2. Learn to love change - The only constant thing in life is CHANGE. It will happen, and you can’t avoid it. It won’t always be easy, but change happens for a reason. Learn to be friends with it.
3. Learn to love mistakes - Always remember to learn from your mistakes and keep growing. Do not take yourself too serious. and don’t doubt yourself so much. One day you’ll be able look back on your “oops” moments and laugh at them. They are inevitable.
4. Say yes often - Sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new can be terrifying. But learn to say yes more. It’ll help you to open up, try new things and bring you new world of opportunities.
5. Focus - Don’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades. Focus on being really good at just a few things. Hard work is wasted when it’s channelized in too many directions.
6. Stop worrying about what others think - Letting the opinions of your peers influence your decisions is one of the worst things you can do. You’ll realize later just how foolish it was. The only thing that is important is what you think and feel about yourself.
7. You don’t have much to lose as you think - Oftentimes, fear of loss is what prevents us from pursuing our dreams. When you’re right out of college, you don’t have much to lose. Why not start doing things that you always wanted?
8. Meet as many new people as you can - It may not always be clear to you, but the people you meet can help you. Treat everyone like you’d like to be treated and be willing to make new friends. The world is smaller than you think. You’ll be amazed at who is connected to whom.
9. Leverage what you’ve got - Don't ever complain in life. Stevie Wonder can’t see, but he has an exceptional ear for music. He exploited that talent and his passion for music. Today he has 25 Grammy awards to show for it. Learn to work with what you’ve got instead of complaining about your situation.
10. Take big risks - Go after what you want. Jump out of an airplane. Start a business. You won’t always succeed, but you won’t always fail, either. Learn-UnLearn-ReLearn ..